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    Coaching, Culture, Facilitation, Training

    Plus Animals!

  • About Me

    Janine Davis, MCC

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    Who I Am As a Coach

    Plus, horses, wolves and lions!

    Hi! I'm Janine. I'm an Executive Coach and Facilitator with Evolution. 


    I live in the intersection point between science and human experience. My superpower is combining these to support leaders in realizing their purpose, objectives, potential, and vision. My approach blends organizational best practices with depth in order to yield sustainable change. I’ve been trained in neuroscience and have a deep understanding of the emotional and physiological processes required for transformation. Most leaders I know are in constant GO mode. They live in their heads and function through action. Coaching lets leaders step back, take a breath, and gain the perspective necessary to create new ways of thinking, feeling, being and behaving.


    In addition to 1:1 Coaching, and facilitation of leadership development programs and offsites, I run a suite of unique offerings allowing leaders to develop in nature working with animals, including horses, wolves and wild animals in Kenya. These programs draw on the wisdom of nature and animals as parallels to healthy team dynamics and the self-awareness and self-regulation necessary for effective leadership. These experiences are so out of the ordinary, they allow access to new data sources and profound life-changing insights that are simply inaccessible in day-to-day life.


    Please go to www.janinedaviscoach.com for more info!



  • Speaking and Podcasts

    Panels, Speaking, Workshops and other talks around town

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    The Neuroscience of Spiritualty - SpritSpeakers Podcast

    2024 - Audience of millions

    We explore the intersection point of human experience and science, paying particular attention to how spirtual awareness can be explored, built and reinforced through brain science. We also dig into the amazing ways nature and animals can help us to tap in.

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    Tiger21 - EQ Fundamentals and the Neuroscience of Change

    2023 - Audience of 15 HNW individuals

    Invited to speak on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, and the neuroscience underlying one's ability to change behaviors, alogn with the topic of cognitive diversity.

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    Techstars #Givefirst Podcast with Brad Feld, Co-Founder of Foundry Group and Techstars

    2020 - Distributed to audience of over 320,000

    Brad Feld, Co-Founder of Foundry Group and Techstars, interviews me on Executive Coaching in the time of COVID. The Techstars GiveFirst podcast is distributed to over 300,000 listeners.  Listen here.


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    Headspace Equal Pay Fireside Chat

    2021 - Audience of 105

    Moderated a panel in honor of Equal Pay Day, with a focus on intersectionality and how managers can striver for parity on their teams.

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    Tech Leaders: High Performance Habits

    2020 - audience of up to 150

    Executive Coach Tracy Podell and I speak about being a courageous leader using the concepts from Brené Brown's Dare to Lead™ curriculum. Watch HERE.

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    Women Founders Network - Staying Grounded and Focused as an Entrepreneur

    2020 - Audience of 30 + on demand access

    Presented on How to Stay Grounded and Focused as an Entrepreneur with Robyn Ward. The session was presented live, and also recorded and provided on demand to the WFN community.

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    MiLA Capital CEO Summit

    2020 - Audience of 75

    Presented on Hiring and Culture for Seed stage startups. Also provided 1:1 Executive Coaching sessions with attending CEOs.

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    Fundamentals of Culture & Leadership

    2019 - Audience of 50

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided. Focus on the nuances of biotech startups.

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    Techstars LA - Hiring, Culture & Diversity

    2018 and 2019 - Audience of 30

    Led full cohorts through a presentation and workshop on hiring, culture, diversity, and how to build a team mindfully.

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    LA CTO Forum - Engineering Culture

    2019 - Audience of 80

    Led a presentation and workshop on creating an Engineering Culture within the context of overall company culture, with a focus on increasing retention, productivity and employee engagement.

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    ScaleLA - Culture & Leadership 101

    2019 - Audience of 20

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided.

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    Backstage Capital - Metrics and Goals

    2019 - Audience of 10

    Led an interactive workshop on KPIs, OKRs and other performance management/goals approaches for the first LA cohort of Backstage's accelerator cohort.

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    Mobile World Conference/4YFN

    2019 - Individual Mentor Sessions

    Served as a Mentor, providing 1:1 coaching to founders, with a primary focus on pitch presentations.

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    SAM Precellerator - Leadership & Culture 101

    2018 and 2019 - Audience of 50

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided.

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    Women Founders Network - Startup Bootcamp: Hiring, People Ops & Culture

    2018 - Audience of 100

    Sat on a 2-person panel, targeted at startup founders, on the topics of hiring, culture, legal pitfalls to avoid and other people ops topics.

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    LA Cleantech Incubator - Imposter Syndrome

    2018 - Audience of 80

    Sat on a 4-person panel on the topic of Imposter Syndrome, targeted towards women in tech.

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    LMU POWER - Empowerment

    2018 - Audience of 100

    Facilitated break out group on the topic of empowerment.

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    The United State of Women - Mentor

    2017 - Individual Mentor Sessions

    Served as a Mentor, providing 1:1 coaching to founders.

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    Prelude Ventures - Leadership & Culture Fundamentals

    2017 - Audience of 50

    As part of their portfolio-wide retreat, presented and facilitated an interactive sessions on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture.

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    Broadscircle - Getting to the C-Suite

    2015 - Audience of 180

    Sat on a 4-person panel discussing strategies for women to rise in the ranks to the C-suite.

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    U.C. Santa Barbara - Personal Branding and Purpose

    2015 - Audience of 50

    Guest Lecturer in the College of Engineering’s Technology Management program, on the topic of personal branding and purpose for a course focused on entrepreneurism and innovation in tech.

  • Speaking Examples

    EQ Fundamentals in 8 Minutes

    Learn the basics of building Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation

    Remote Leadership Challenges & Remedies

    Techstars hosted a global workshop on Remote Leadership Challenges, and remedies that leaders can put into place to counteract them.

  • Publications

    I love to write!

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    My Medium Blogs

    All The Things

    Access my Medium Blog Here. The newer posts come from my life as an Executive Coach, and focus on leadership, culture, root cause issues of employee engagement and experience going off the trackets, etc. The older ones are a bit more tactically focused on recruiting, careers, networking and other goodies.

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    The Startup

    The Startup, with over 1/2 million Medium followers, published my article on three essential skills that leaders can implement to improve self awareness, EQ and the ability to have tough conversations. To learn about those skills and ways to put them into practice immediately, click HERE.

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    The Startup

    If you really want your team to innovate, you need to face the mixed messages you're probably giving them. Learn more HERE.

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    Thrive Global

    You'll Never Finish

    A blog post about the fallacy of finishing. (Warning - I'm a bit of a potty mouth in this one....)

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    My Journey

    The story of my journey from where I started to where I am now can be found HERE.

  • Connect

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