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    Coaching, Culture, Facilitation, Training

  • Who Am I?

    Janine Davis, PCC, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator

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    My Superpower

    My superpower is working with Founders and Executives by using creativity (intuition) + structure and frameworks (logic) to realize purpose, objectives and potential. I work well with people that mean business and are ready to do the work necessary to reach their goals. I tend to go deep and try to get to the essence of the leader or company.


    It's not about me telling you what to do (Mentoring), nor doing deep dives into your past (Therapy). That said, where you are now and where you are going is inherently predicated by who you have been and where you came from. In fact, unearthing those hidden gems is sometimes the key to removing obstacles that have been silently blocking your progress for years. There will absolutely be times when realizations come through in coaching, with deep connections to your past. But rather than digging deeply into that past, we will use those realizations as a launching pad towards effecting change.


    I put this superpower to use in both my 1:1 coaching, as well as when facilitating large scale leadership and DEI programs. I consider myself half scientist, half weirdo, always, blending organizational best practices with depth

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    I'm very proud to be a Sr. Partner with Evolution, which does leadership and culture coaching and training for venture-backed startups, high growth companies and investors, such as Slack, Glassdoor, Kleiner Perkins, LinkedIn, Change.org, Scopely, Radiology Partners, Crosscut Ventures, Techstars Corporate, and many others. We follow the model of I/We/It - we coach the leader (I), the team/company (We) and integrate that into the operations of the company (It). I am on the faculty of Evolution's ICF ACSTH Coach Training Program. I do all of my coaching under the umbrella of Evolution. This site just gives a bit more detail about who I am.

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    My Clients

    I've had a broad and deep career spanning both large global organizations and early stage startups. Here's a list of some of my coaching clients: Glassdoor, Microsoft, Slack, FabFitFun, Techstars Corporate, Planned Parenthood, System1, Hallmark Labs, Fair.com, Visa, GumGum, Radiology Partners, Signal Sciences, Cricket Health, Manufactured.net, Boxfox, Oblong Industries, Maslo, HUM Nutrition and many more.

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    Brené Brown Dare to Lead™

    I am a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, allowing me to bring the work of Brené Brown to companies ready to lead through the strength of vulnerability. The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable. The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing these courage-building skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move from armored leadership to daring leadership. Click here for more information on this powerful program.


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    Transformational Values

    What informs my approach to coaching?

    • Understanding what makes us who we are puts us in a position of choice about our actions and reactions
    • Sustainable change comes from making foundational shifts in the belief systems underlying our current actions and results
    • Aligning our actions with our core values is essential for fulfillment on all levels - individual, relationships and system-wide
    • Leaders are more effective when they integrate their personal and professional identities. We are humans at home. We are humans at work
    • Leadership requires being intentional about your words and your actions
    • Leaders who model humanity allow their employees to be human
    • My core values are Balance and Evolution - finding the healthy middle, while always striving to grow, change, improve.
  • Services

    Executive Coaching

    The challenges of being a startup leader are unique - you face burnout, difficulty in transitioning from being a founder to a leader/leveling up, being accessible to your crew as the company scales, balancing family life with startup life, etc. Leadership coaching provides 1 on 1 support for you to evolve as a leader.

    Dare to Lead™ Programs

    As a certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, trained directly by Dr. Brené Brown, I'm able to work with organizations to create daring leadership through tailored programs that can be delivered in 2-days, 1 day or in modular sessions over time.

    Leadership & DEI Training

    Poor leaders are one of the most common reasons people quit. I'll work with you to create customized virtual or in person workshops and training programs to bolster your leader's awareness and abilities in order to lead powerfully and effectively.

    Culture Creation & Integration

    Co-creation of your culture and integration into the fabric of your company, so it becomes its essence. This starts with a clear foundation of your values, mission and vision, upon which to build actions that allow you to walk your talk.

    People Processes

    This is the more consultative arm of my services, where I provide concrete input and advice on how to do Employer Branding, Hiring, Recruiting, Onboarding, facilitation of Feedback Channels & Mechanisms, etc.

    Leadership Offsites

    Sometimes getting the leadership team out their normal everyday environment allows deep, transformative and collaborative growth. There is no cookie cutter offsite - I will work with you to customize the most impactful experience.

    Venture Capital Portfolio Talks

    VCs wanting to expose their portfolio companies to culture and leadership coaching have brought me in to do informative and experiential workshops and presentations.

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    Based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program designed to be facilitated by organizational development professionals. Brené is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work.


    She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy, and most recently completed a seven-year study on courageous leadership. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and Dare to Lead, which also debuted at #1 on The Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly lists.

    The most significant finding from Brené’s latest research is that courage is a collection of four skill sets that are teachable, measurable, and observable.

    • Rumbling with Vulnerability – facing your current reality with courage 
    • Living Into Your Values – identifying and operationalizing your values so the walk is being talked
    • BRAVING Trust – creating or strengthening relationships using the seven elements of trust
    • Learning to Rise – evolving and rising from life’s inevitable failures and challenges 

    The Dare to Lead™ program focuses on developing these skills through workshops, trainings, and coaching to help individuals, teams, and organizations move towards daring leadership. If any of these characteristics ring true for your organization, Dare to Lead™ could be transformational:

    • Lack of psychological safety
    • An executive team that lacks trust and alignment towards a common goal
    • Low innovation
    • High turnover
    • An inability to have the tough conversations often necessary in the course of leadership
    • A disconnect between the walk and the talk

    As a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, I'm honored to have been trained by Brené directly, and to have the opportunity to bring her incredible work into organizations. The program is flexible and modular. I will work closely with leaders to determine the key issues at stake and a program that best addresses those issues. The experience is deep, fun, real, interactive, illuminating and impactful. Programs are designed to leave participants with tactical approaches they can put into day to day use to start leading bravely immediately.


    In addition to the workshop format, I offer a 6 month 1:1 Executive Coaching engagement. The Dare to Lead™ Executive Coaching Program focuses on developing the 4 key skills through a tailored engagement that incorporates teaching modules, homework aligned with each module and coaching to facilitate the integration of learning into day to day behaviors.

    • 6 month program kicking off with a 2 hour intake session and followed by 2 monthly 80-minute ZOOM or call sessions
    • Pre-work will include reading Dare to Lead, doing the Dare to Lead assessment and completing some other intake documents, all to be covered during our intake session
    • The engagement includes a copy of the Dare to Lead workbook, which will be used extensively during the engagement (and is not publicly available)
    • Homework will be assigned between scheduled calls and you should allocate approximately 1-2 hours per week in addition to the scheduled sessions
    • At culmination of the full 24 hour curriculum, you will receive a certification of completion and instructions to upload and use your Dare to Lead Trained badge. 
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    Dare to Lead Testimonials

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    Anna Barber, Managing Director, Techstars

    "Such a transformative day with Brené Brown and the incredibly inspiring Janine Davis and an amazing group of women from age 23 to 50-something. May we all step into the arena in 2020."

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    Ronette Kite, CFO & So Cal Growth Lead, Countsy

    "The Dare to Lead Brene Brown workshop led by Janine Davis was incredible. No matter where you are at in your career, personal life – it’s important to take a step back and evaluate where you are and where you are going. For me, this couldn’t have come at a better time – wanting to be and do better for my clients, colleagues and mentors. Still lots of work to do, but the workshop provided a good foundation to identify areas that I would like to focus on. More importantly, I met an incredible group of like-minded professionals that I will continue to build relationships with. I am grateful to have the opportunity to take this workshop. Bravo Janine!"

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    Jen Henriksen, VP, Business Development, Kitchen United

    "Such practical, logical and valuable training. I'm excited to start practicing in my professional arena! Where can I sign-up for more???”

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    Robyn Ward, CEO, Founder Forward

    "Epic day of growth. Brené Brown, Janine Davis did an epic job of channeling, facilitating, coaching around your work”

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    Clare Le, Sr. Director, Marketing & Events, LACI

    "I’m still on an incredible high from Saturday’s workshop. Janine. you took care to curate every aspect of the day, from the caliber of conversation with the other leaders, to channeling the best, most actionable parts of Brené’s program. You are my guru for embracing the suck and remembering there is no innovation and creativity without failure."

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    Delilah Panio, VP, Capital Formation, Toronto Stock Exchange

    "It was an amazing and really valuable day!"

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    Marissa Peretz, Founder, Silicon Beach Talent

    "This was so special, thank you! The group of leaders was extraordinary, Janine Davis was beyond amazing and the learning was so deeply meaningful."

  • The Wisdom of Horses and Wolves

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    Most of the leaders I work with are in constant GO mode. They live in their heads and function through action. One of the beautiful things about coaching is that it lets leaders step back, take a breath, and gain the perspective necessary to create new ways of thinking, feeling, being and behaving. This is the birthplace of sustainable change. Neuroscience tells us that logic is only one way of thinking. Lately, I’ve become very intent on getting leaders into nature, working with wolves and horses. These experiences are so out of the ordinary, it primes clients to be open to new data sources for decision making, and profound life-changing insights.


    These animals can teach us invaluable lessons about healthy team dynamics and how we show up and impact our teams.


    Both are perfect mirrors of who we are. If you come to them authentically, and in a grounded state, you'll get love and connection. If you come in hot, ungrounded or incongruous, they will simply keep their distance. This is invaluable information for you as a leader. And delivered with zero judgement or harshness. If you are lucky enough to have either gaze into your eyes, you'll feel seen in a way you've never felt.

    Both species are pack animals, though horses are prey and wolves are predators. Yet, both fundamentally teach healthy team dynamics through how their packs interact.

    • All roles in a pack are equally important. Without each role, the pack would not survive
    • All pack members need to do their part. Without each pack member doing so, they would not survive
    • Boundaries and  the ability to clearly communicate needs are necessary for healthy team dynamics
    • Power is circular - the role most needed in the moment is the pack member that will be leading



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    I offer both 1:1 coaching programs, as well as team offsites in partnership with these incredible animals. Please contact me for more information. Janine@elemental.team or Janine@evolution.team

  • Case Studies

    Here are case studies representative of the breadth of work I do....

    Executive Coaching

    • Case Study 1: I did one-on-one Executive Coaching for the Chief People Person at a Foundry-funded tech startup. This particular client had very strong success in her role and was trusted by the other executives. However, she was feeling a bit flat in her career, and had specific coaching goals surrounding increasing her impact and scope of influence. She was able to identify what was holding her back from her target, and modify the underlying belief, thus allowing her to reach her goals.
    • Case Study 2: Provided 1:1 Executive Coaching for the CEO/Founder of a venture backed AI technology company. This client is pioneering a segment that has no historical data to draw from. He's had challenges with staying aligned with mission concurrently with being told how he "should" operate based on the status quo. By gaining a more solid grounding in his mission/vision/values, he's been able to hold his ground where it makes sense, and flex where it makes sense, yielding the best path towards growth.
    • Case Study 3: The Founder/COO of a B2B2C is an ex-pat with roots in a large, 100+ year old organization, having to make the transition to leading in a US-based startup in a newly-created marketplace. Navigating cultural differences, values differences and operational differences was hugely challenging to him. Through coaching he was able to stay true to who he was within the context of the greater company culture and goals. 

    Leadership & DEI Training

    • Case Study 1: Facilitated a full suite of Leadership and DEI Training for over 80 Leaders in a high growth tech company. The program was multi-dimensional, spanning several months. The content and curriculum was bespoke, and delivered through a combination of 3 all day sessions interspersed with small group coaching circles for further integration and support. This client re-engaged to have multiple subsequent cohorts go through the same training program as they scaled, and each subsequent "graduate" class was then provided Advanced training curriculum. Training was provided both in person and during COVID, all content was redesigned and delivered virtually. 
    • Case Study 2: Led a global webinar for nearly 100 Techstars Global employees on Unconscious Bias/DEI. Program was highly interactive and included a post-webinar support ZOOM call one month later to help participants process real-time experience putting what they learned to the test.
    • Case Study 3: Facilitated multiple cohorts through Dr. Brené Brown's Dare to Lead™ curriculum, covering EQ, Vulnerability, building TRUST, values-based leadership, and difficult conversations. 

    Executive Offsites

    • Case Study 1 - Retention Turnover:  The innovation division of Fortune 500 CPG/Entertainment company was experiencing extremely high turnover rates. Issues surrounding high turnover are rarely superficial. They tend to be the result of systemic organizational issues around culture and leadership. Through broad intake and analysis of the data, I was able to identify the root causes of the issue, as well as several actionable recommendations to shift the results. I facilitated an Executive Offsite to provide the safe container necessary to present the findings and create a strategy around what can be a sensitive subject. The analysis and offsite "exceeded expectations." They were able to reduce voluntary turnover from 36% to 4.2% in less than 6 months following the offsite.
    • Case Study 2 - Leading Through Change: A series-C Upfront Ventures tech startup was experience massive scaling challenges due to leadership shifts, spinning off a division, and rapid growth. I led their Executive Suite through an offsite to clearly face their current state - where did they show strength and weakness in their ability to lead the organization through change - and guide them through a crystal clear prioritized action plan to address the biggest gaps.

    Leadership Team 360

    A profitable B2C eCommerce company was founded by 3 female founders. They bootstrapped and after just a few years, eclipsed their goals, hitting the $5M revenue mark. They were at a growth inflection point and wanted to ensure they were leading in alignment with their values and mission as they scaled. In addition, they wanted to make sure the three of them were in agreement as much as they believed. I conducted 360 reviews of the leadership team, producing an analysis/report of the findings, and next steps in terms of potential opportunities for growth.

    Culture Engagement

    I did a comprehensive culture engagement with a B2C subscription model eCommerce company. They were at $11M in revenue, just got their first institutional round, and were about to scale rapidly. I worked with the team on a phased approach to rolling out culture. Phase 1 was defining the culture - what core values drove the company? Phase 2 was integrating those values into the candidate experience during recruitment. Phase 3 was a workshop focused on teaching the crew how to interview for culture fit. Phase 4 was further integration of their culture into the onboarding process.

    VC Firm Portfolio Workshop

    I facilitated a workshop on Culture and Leadership for a VC firm's entire portfolio of Founders at their annual offsite. Each Founder was able to explore and experience some simple steps to create and integrate their culture, as well as getting a sense of the power of Leadership coaching, and its effect on employee engagement and the bottom line.

    Organizational Analysis

    For a rapidly scaling startup in the Health & Wellness space, I played a key role in the analysis and recommendations surrounding their Organization in the specific categories of Structure, Culture and Talent. This project included the identification of areas for improvement, as well as both quick wins and longer term approaches for effecting change.

    Women's Coaching Circle

    Co-facilitated a women's coaching circle, focused on Founders at Seed/A stage. Circle combined content/instruction around leadership skills, facilitated peer coaching and moderated always-on slack support.

  • Speaking and Podcasts

    Panels, Speaking, Workshops and other talks around town

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    The Neuroscience of Spiritualty - SpritSpeakers Podcast

    2024 - Audience of millions

    We explore the intersection point of human experience and science, paying particular attention to how spirtual awareness can be explored, built and reinforced through brain science. We also dig into the amazing ways nature and animals can help us to tap in.

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    Tiger21 - EQ Fundamentals and the Neuroscience of Change

    2023 - Audience of 15 HNW individuals

    Invited to speak on the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence, and the neuroscience underlying one's ability to change behaviors, alogn with the topic of cognitive diversity.

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    Techstars #Givefirst Podcast with Brad Feld, Co-Founder of Foundry Group and Techstars

    2020 - Distributed to audience of over 320,000

    Brad Feld, Co-Founder of Foundry Group and Techstars, interviews me on Executive Coaching in the time of COVID. The Techstars GiveFirst podcast is distributed to over 300,000 listeners.  Listen here.


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    Headspace Equal Pay Fireside Chat

    2021 - Audience of 105

    Moderated a panel in honor of Equal Pay Day, with a focus on intersectionality and how managers can striver for parity on their teams.

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    Tech Leaders: High Performance Habits

    2020 - audience of up to 150

    Executive Coach Tracy Podell and I speak about being a courageous leader using the concepts from Brené Brown's Dare to Lead™ curriculum. Watch HERE.

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    Women Founders Network - Staying Grounded and Focused as an Entrepreneur

    2020 - Audience of 30 + on demand access

    Presented on How to Stay Grounded and Focused as an Entrepreneur with Robyn Ward. The session was presented live, and also recorded and provided on demand to the WFN community.

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    MiLA Capital CEO Summit

    2020 - Audience of 75

    Presented on Hiring and Culture for Seed stage startups. Also provided 1:1 Executive Coaching sessions with attending CEOs.

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    Fundamentals of Culture & Leadership

    2019 - Audience of 50

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided. Focus on the nuances of biotech startups.

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    Techstars LA - Hiring, Culture & Diversity

    2018 and 2019 - Audience of 30

    Led full cohorts through a presentation and workshop on hiring, culture, diversity, and how to build a team mindfully.

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    LA CTO Forum - Engineering Culture

    2019 - Audience of 80

    Led a presentation and workshop on creating an Engineering Culture within the context of overall company culture, with a focus on increasing retention, productivity and employee engagement.

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    ScaleLA - Culture & Leadership 101

    2019 - Audience of 20

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided.

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    Backstage Capital - Metrics and Goals

    2019 - Audience of 10

    Led an interactive workshop on KPIs, OKRs and other performance management/goals approaches for the first LA cohort of Backstage's accelerator cohort.

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    Mobile World Conference/4YFN

    2019 - Individual Mentor Sessions

    Served as a Mentor, providing 1:1 coaching to founders, with a primary focus on pitch presentations.

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    SAM Precellerator - Leadership & Culture 101

    2018 and 2019 - Audience of 50

    Presented on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture, including some interactive components to facilitate the audience's integration of the content provided.

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    Women Founders Network - Startup Bootcamp: Hiring, People Ops & Culture

    2018 - Audience of 100

    Sat on a 2-person panel, targeted at startup founders, on the topics of hiring, culture, legal pitfalls to avoid and other people ops topics.

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    LA Cleantech Incubator - Imposter Syndrome

    2018 - Audience of 80

    Sat on a 4-person panel on the topic of Imposter Syndrome, targeted towards women in tech.

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    LMU POWER - Empowerment

    2018 - Audience of 100

    Facilitated break out group on the topic of empowerment.

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    The United State of Women - Mentor

    2017 - Individual Mentor Sessions

    Served as a Mentor, providing 1:1 coaching to founders.

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    Prelude Ventures - Leadership & Culture Fundamentals

    2017 - Audience of 50

    As part of their portfolio-wide retreat, presented and facilitated an interactive sessions on the fundamentals of Leadership and Culture.

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    Broadscircle - Getting to the C-Suite

    2015 - Audience of 180

    Sat on a 4-person panel discussing strategies for women to rise in the ranks to the C-suite.

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    U.C. Santa Barbara - Personal Branding and Purpose

    2015 - Audience of 50

    Guest Lecturer in the College of Engineering’s Technology Management program, on the topic of personal branding and purpose for a course focused on entrepreneurism and innovation in tech.

  • Speaking Examples

    EQ Fundamentals in 8 Minutes

    Learn the basics of building Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation

    Remote Leadership Challenges & Remedies

    Techstars hosted a global workshop on Remote Leadership Challenges, and remedies that leaders can put into place to counteract them.

  • Publications

    I love to write!

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    My Medium Blogs

    All The Things

    Access my Medium Blog Here. The newer posts come from my life as an Executive Coach, and focus on leadership, culture, root cause issues of employee engagement and experience going off the trackets, etc. The older ones are a bit more tactically focused on recruiting, careers, networking and other goodies.

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    The Startup

    The Startup, with over 1/2 million Medium followers, published my article on three essential skills that leaders can implement to improve self awareness, EQ and the ability to have tough conversations. To learn about those skills and ways to put them into practice immediately, click HERE.

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    The Startup

    If you really want your team to innovate, you need to face the mixed messages you're probably giving them. Learn more HERE.

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    Thrive Global

    You'll Never Finish

    A blog post about the fallacy of finishing. (Warning - I'm a bit of a potty mouth in this one....)

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    My Journey

    The story of my journey from where I started to where I am now can be found HERE.

  • Testimonials

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    Amanda Farrand - Hello Sunshine

    Vice President, Brand Partnerships

    "Put simply, my experience working with Janine has been incredibly transformative. I walked into our relationship with 4 set goals I wanted to work towards, and through our conversations, her insight and inquisition, she’s taken me beyond my expectations. If I had strategic business questions, she had insight. If I had leadership questions, she had examples. But she’s also helped me reframe my life so that my work fits more appropriately within it. If you're ready to level up, tackle new challenges or understand yourself and your talents more clearly, Janine is your person."

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    Chris Coleridge - HUM Nutrition

    COO & Co-Founder

    "Janine has played an important role at HUM helping us to define our culture and then live it for real. She has put together several excellent and involving workshops for our team, including both recruiting and interviewing best practice. Janine has developed valuable insights for us, that are forming a foundational part of how we define ourselves. She is also fun and easy going to work with, and I thoroughly recommend her."

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    Sabena Suri - BoxFox

    CSO & Co-Founder

    "I worked with Janine on an Executive 360 consulting project, where she provided a comprehensive overview of my leadership performance (along with my two cofounders). It was the first time we did something like this, so we weren't sure what to expect. It ended up being an invaluable exercise for us. Janine's energy and enthusiasm for what she does was apparent through our various meetings and phone calls; she gathered raw feedback from our team and delivered us with not only actionable insights but also a comprehensive action plan for how we can improve moving forward. Whether you're a new founder or seasoned business executive, I cannot recommend her services enough! It's no surprise she's an expert at what she does and I'm so lucky to have discovered her"

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    Gareth Linnard - Hallmark Labs

    People Operations Leader

    "I was lucky enough to be introduced to Janine by a mutual contact. Her ability to quickly establish understanding of our business combined with a depth of knowledge in tech leadership, recruitment, consulting and exec coaching, was impressive and an ideal fit for purpose. Janine worked painstakingly to identify the right approach for us. Including 1:1 intake interviews and engaging group discovery around various areas, to root cause analysis and presenting relevant and valuable workshops plus individual coaching. By leveraging and building on her work, we have seen very positive and tangible business outcomes. The combination of Janine's professional skill, innate empathy, ability to engage her audience and polished delivery, made partnering with her an absolute pleasure!"

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    Harlan Gleeson - Gallery Skan


    "Janine has been an invaluable resource to me in my new career. With a steady hand she has guided me to real results to our agreed upon goals. As a real treasure in the community here in Los Angeles she has helped not only with my needs as a my coach but as a resource to connect with others. Of the many great qualities Janine has the one I benefit from most is her talent for listening. Her ability to understand and hear beyond what I am saying is remarkable. To have help to cut thru the “noise” and see the forest for the trees has truly been valuable to me. Thank you. I look forward to continuing the process."

  • Connect

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  • Team

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    Janine Davis, PCC, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator

    Executive Coach & Facilitator

    Janine is a Hudson-certified Executive Coach and Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator. Her coaching practice includes coaching 1:1 with leaders and facilitating complex system-wide leadership and DEI training programs, as well as Executive offsites. Her career trajectory has given her the opportunity to work with both large global organizations as well as early stage startups, spanning multiple industries. She’s on the faculty of Evolution’s ICF ACSTH-certified Coach Training Program.

    She’s had two previous career iterations that set the foundation for her coaching practice. She founded and exited an Executive Tech & Product recruiting agency focused on startups. Before recruiting, she was a hands-on technologist, having started her career at Accenture (Andersen Consulting), then moving on to become the CIO/CTO for TBWA Chiat/Day Inc. Advertising (an Omnicom company), and finally leading all non-legacy engineering efforts at DirecTV. She’s held full P&L responsibility and managed multi-million dollar initiatives, as well as scaling up and leading large teams. She has a B.S., Mathematics from UCSB.

    Some of her clients include Glassdoor, System1, Califia Farms, Headspace, GumGum, Liquid, Kona, Radiology Partners, Signal Sciences, Planned Parenthood and Techstars.

    She’s had for-profit and non-profit board experience, and currently sits on the Board of Women Founders Network. She’s an Advisor and Investor to several startups, as well as being an Allstar Mentor for Techstars (less than 1% of over 10,000 global mentors are honored with this recognition), Backstage Capital, Scalehealth and Grid110.

    Additional Certifications: ICF-PCC, Bréne Brown Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, EQMentor, Conscious Business, Listening To Bodies (Somatic Coaching), Difficult Conversations: Racism, Enneagram in Business


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      Lorai Harris Jones

      Director of Operations

      Lorai Harris Jones has over 13 years of Operations experience in the Human Capital Industry. She has helped support large scale, national client relationships as well as remote workforces. She’s managed various administrative transitions and successfully maintained efficiency in all aspects of day-to-day operations. Lorai prides herself on putting 110% into everything that she does. She has a knack for solving problems and handling situations in a way that that exemplifies excellent customer service. Client satisfaction is her key driver and number one priority, and she has had countless accolades and compliments to that effect.


      Lorai was born in Boston, but raised in Los Angeles. She has a B.S. in Sociology, and has always been keenly interested in helping non-profit causes. She is very passionate about joining forces with organizations whose primary focus is animal welfare, child sex trafficking, victims and families of domestic violence, and advocating for the rights and protection of the elderly, specifically in nursing and convalescent homes

      Lorai loves interacting with people, watching episodes of Little House on the Prairie and spending time with family and friends. (* Yes, you read correctly, Little House on the Prairie!)


      Lorai supports Elemental by keeping our Founder's life in order & our clients happy!